Adding Revenue to Incumbent SaaS Platforms

Adding Revenue to Incumbent SaaS Platforms

With the rise of the digital economy and the everincreasing need for businesses to stay connected, incumbent software companies with large customer bases have had to find ways to increase their revenues. These companies have the advantage of having a large customer base and the resources to develop innovative products and services, but they often struggle to remain competitive in an increasingly crowded market. If your company is an incumbent software provider with a large customer base, there are a few ways in which you can increase your revenue.


The first is to focus on customer retention. By providing excellent customer service and offering incentives to loyal customers, you can increase customer loyalty and revenue. Additionally, you can develop new products and services based on customer feedback, as well as expanding your customer base by offering free trials, discounts, or other promotional offers.


Another way to increase revenue is to diversify your offering. Incumbent software providers often have a wide range of products and services, and by diversifying them, you can increase revenue and reach new audiences. For example, you could offer cloudbased services or mobile applications, or you could develop products for niche markets within their sectors, such as healthcare, professional services, retail or restaurant,.


Finally, you can increase your revenue by expanding into new markets. This can be done by leveraging your existing customer base and using them as case studies to attract new customers. Additionally, you can use your existing products and services to develop new offerings that can be sold in different markets. This will allow you to tap into new customer bases and increase your revenue. By following these strategies, incumbent software companies can increase their revenue and remain competitive in a rapidly changing market.


By focusing on customer retention, diversifying their offerings, and expanding into new markets, these companies can remain ahead of the competition and capitalize on their large customer base.